Alex in Love
By Robbie Pangilinan
When people talk about Alex Crisano’s love life, the name of a sexy comedienne immediately comes to mind, what with the two’s past controversial and passionate relationship. But what many do not know is that Alex is very much in love with another woman—the mother of his son.
JB Marquez, daughter of comedian and politician Joey Marquez, is the woman that Alex’s has been in love with and is in love with now. JB and 6-year-old son Vinny are the popular cager’s top priority right now. Alex has been making up for lost time with JB and Vinny who are both in the US.
“We are trying our best to rekindle our family,” the 6’7” PBA star says. The couple met in 2002 and Alex fell in love with JB’s being natural. Their love bore fruit and Vinny was born. JB says she is thankful because, “Alex respects me a lot and loves our son so much.”
The two are in a long distance relationship because Alex’s career is in the Philippines and JB works in the US. “It’s just for the meantime while we both work and save for a house soon here in the US!” JB explains. Though they are far from each other, JB says they are romantic all the time. She even sings Alicia Keys’ song for Alex, “Everything means nothing... if I ain’t got you.”
Meanwhile, Alex is taking care of himself here as he needs to maintain a healthy and trim figure for his sports. Alex is supporting basketball clinics in Diliman Preparatory school and even got an offer from the Amateur Boxing Association of the Philippines (ABAP) for him to join the team as a heavyweight boxer. He is thankful for the challenge but said he wants to play basketball for a couple more years. Alex has always been excited to try body sculpting and he finally underwent the procedure that sculpted his abs, shoulders, chest and sides.
Alex had apprehensions at first but though it was a once in a lifetime chance that he could not pass up. He says he just wanted to take out fats in unwanted places to “change things in my life.” He is satisfied with the results of his VASER High Definition Liposculpture performed by Dr. Claudine Roura of the Contours Advanced Face and Body Sculpting Institute. Contours is the pioneer of the VASER® Lipo System in the Philippines. #